When you are in a work, there must be an employee and a boss. A boss is the one who take good care of the names of the company or whatever work you have. He / She are the one who gives you assignments, works that must be finish on the time he / she told to the employee, the one who is watching you when you are working or not. A boss in one company or even not a company is responsible for what may happen to the establishment or company so he is doing and showing his best as he can. But what if one day you will encounter a boss who is cocaine-addicted, sexually aggressive; would you dare yourself to work together with that kind of boss? Well, it is a matter of choosing the right thing. If you want to know more on what will happen to an employee if the boss is bearing that kind of characteristics, better Watch Horrible Bosses Online Free.
From the studio of New Line Cinema and from the famous distributer of Warner Bros presents the new upcoming black comedy film directed by Seth Gordon and starring with Jason Bateman as Nick Hendricks, Charlie Day as Dale Arbus, Jason Sudeikis as Kurt Buckman, Jennifer Aniston as Dr. Julia Harris, Colin Farrell as Bobby Pellitt, Kevin Spacey as Dave Harken, and Jamie Foxx as Dean “Motherfucker” Jones. On this movie, it tells the story of three friends namely Nick Hendricks, Dale Arbus, and Kurt Buckman who conspires to murder their impolite bosses namely Dave Harken, Dr. Julia Harris, and Bobby Pellitt. The three friends are being accompanied by Dean “Motherfucker” Jones who is a hit-man and murder consultant who is supplies with Nick, Dale, and Kurt with advice on committing murder.
How could you imagine that an employee could murder his/her boss? What will happen next to the three friends after they committed it? For you to know the whole story on the life of the three friends, just Watch Horrible Bosses Online Free as it will be released on this coming July 8, 2011 on theaters.